Suspension & Revocation is the result of non complaince of obligations and duties byt he sponsor . A licence obtained by a tier 2 sponsor must be maintained by continously regarding their obligations.
Once a Sponsorship Licence is obtained it is very important that the licence is not revoked or suspended as this will have an extremely negative impact, not only on the business but also for the employees who rely on Sponsorship from their employer.
This can be difficult with the Home Office regularly updating their requirements and guidance notes. So it is vital that businesses remain up to date with the current law relating to Sponsorship Licences. If you cannot satisfy the Home Office that your business has complied with the requirements and duties of Sponsorship, the Home Office has the option of either suspending or revoking the Sponsorship Licence.
If your licence has been suspended or revoked I can help re-instate your sponsor licence if the conditions are right. Get in touch for a discussion.

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